mountain mountain n. 山, 山岳. 【動詞+】 ascend a mountain 《文語》 山に登る a mountain
wizard wizard n. (男の)魔法使い; 《口語》 名人, 天才. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a financial wizard 《口語》
wizard wizard n. (男の)魔法使い; 《口語》 名人, 天才. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a financial wizard 《口語》 金融界の鬼才 a legendary Wall Street wizard 《口語》 伝説的なウォール街の天才 a mathematical wizard 《口語》 数学の天才 He's a real wiza
black raku tea bowl , ' tekkai ' (name of immortal mountain wizard ): a property of tekisui art museum 黒楽茶碗「鉄拐」:適翠美術館蔵
pictures of buddhist angel , bird with human ' s face , bodhisattva , mountain wizard (on hinuki ) 4 pieces 飛天、人鳥、菩薩、神仙図(飛貫)4本
pictures of buddhist angel , bird with human ' s face , bodhisattva , mountain wizard (on hinuki ) 4 pieces 飛天、人鳥、菩薩、神仙図(飛貫)4本
it is said that at a young age , he played with sennin (immortal mountain wizard ) and learned the kujakuo juho (magic ) and manipulated kijin freely . 若くして雲に乗って仙人と遊び、孔雀王呪経の呪法を修め、鬼神を自在に操った。
katsuko (ge-hong ) in the western jìn dynasty wrote " hobokushi ," in which he explained the ascetic practices involved in becoming a sennin (immortal mountain wizard ). 西晋末の葛洪(かっこう)は、『抱朴子(ほうぼくし)』を著し、仙人となるための修行法を説いた。
according to " shui ojo-den ," in 1039 , enku observed religious precept even though he was pretty old at that time , and he was like a sennin (immortal mountain wizard ). それによると円空は長暦3年(1039年)当時、相当な高齢であったが一生戒律を守り続け、仙人のようであったという。
according to one legend , hakudo shonin , an immortal mountain wizard of china , became a disciple of monju bosatsu (manjusri bodhisattva associated with wisdom , doctrine and awareness ) and reached enlightenment . 伝説によると、中国の伯道上人という仙人が、文殊菩薩に弟子入りをして悟りを開いた。
during the several years between 49 to 54 years old , atsutane researched koki (ancient records ) literatures of china and india; moreover he researched about existence of sennin (immortal mountain wizard ) and god in foreign countries . 49歳から54歳までの数年間、支那や印度の古記文献の研究をし、さらに異国に於ける仙人や神の存在についての研究をして行く。
according to the " shin-sarugoki " (a textbook written about lives and cultures of the people of kyoto in the heian period ) by fujiwara no akihira in the late heian period , the four elements shrine maidens were required to master were the abilities of uranai (fortune-telling ,) kami-asobi (playing music and dancing in front of gods ,) yotsura (beating out strings of japanese bows as a ritual to ward off evil spirits ) and kuchiyose (mediumship or technique to communicate with spirits ), and in this book akihira described his actual experience of witnessing a shrine maiden playing kami-asobi (kagura ), which to him appeared as if an immortal mountain wizard was enjoying dancing with a god . 平安時代末期の藤原明衡の著である『新猿楽記』には、巫女に必要な4要素として「占い・神遊・寄絃・口寄」が挙げられており、彼が実際に目撃したという巫女の神遊(神楽)はまさしく神と舞い遊ぶ仙人のようだったと、記している。